Adam and Eve’s apple is not a stranger to all of us cause it’s so much well-known, besides Adam and Eve’s, the second famous would be the apple that has a bite. But today the leading role are plain apples that could be commonly seen in the orchard.
“One apple a day keeps the doctor away.” You can see how nutritious and important apples mean to people. Do not look down upon a plain apple, I know that you may be fond of rare fruits for its expensive value, but a common apple can not be neglected by us for it is really high in nutrition. However, people are too familiar with the apple that they can not get anymore surprise on it, how could one turns a familiar taste of apple into a special and different delicacy? That needs skill and ingenuity! Burn your little universe inside your body right now! Together we could make a delicious caramel apple cake!
For the caramel apple:
Ingredients: 3 apples, 90gr caster sugar, 15gr water, 10gr butter, 2 tablespoon Rum
For the cake:
Ingredients: 45gr butter, 50gr cake flour, 50gr milk, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, 50gr egg yolks, 100gr egg whites, 20gr caster sugar
<The ingredients above together can make four caramel apple cakes using Burgers die>
Baking conditions:
356F into the middle-level of the oven, bake for 20-25 minutes<elastic according to your home use oven>
Now we start.
1.Cut the apples into cubes, reserve
2.Boil the caster sugar with gentle fire until the sugar turns into the caramel color, then you can add water per several times and slowly mix
3.Add butter
4.Add apple cubes and Rum
5.Open fire to fry the apple cubes until they are softened, until any liquid evaporates, turns apple cubes into caramel apple
6.Brush butter on the bottom of the Burgers die, evenly lay the caramel apple on the bottom, pour a little soup on it, reserve
7.Melt butter with gentle fire, remove the fire, add cake flour and mix it
8.Add sequently milk, vanilla extract and egg yolks
9.Whip it into pasty
10.Add egg whites per 3 times, add caster sugar, whip it until 90% down
11.Mix egg whites and egg yolks per 3 times and stir
12.Pour the pasty onto the caramel sugar of the Burgers die, until the Burgers die is filled with pasty, and then send them into the oven. Cooling and remove the Burgers die after baking
~~~Small cake implies big wisdom~~~
This is a kind of flip cake, roll over it and makes a different! we can be enlightened from the small flip cake that if we treat things from a different angle, there will be a different surprise!