Cupcake is plain to be seen in almost every street. But simple cupcake recipes are not that easy to be seen. This cupcake recipe I wrote is more easier than all the other cupcake recipes that you might find.
Cupcake is awfully popular in America and Canada. The TV series Desperate Housewives makes it a hot trend again! Cupcake is more fine and smooth than Chiffon, with more moisture in it. And the cute little cupcake makes everyone keep eating one after another! When I was a little child, my first cake was a cupcake, so I have a lot of sensitive feelings and passions about cupcake. The very first cupcake is a plain cake with no fruit decoration or unique flavor, just an ordinary cake made easily by Mom, but when I had a bite, I felt it was the most delicious cake I had ever eaten. For it satisfied my curiosity about cake and it was full of the love for me from my Mom!
And it’s now the time I will make cupcakes for my next generation. I always know that love shall be told to your loved ones, and behaviors shall be acted to show your concerns and cares about your beloved persons. So I have inherited my Mom’s means of expression, but not her awfully no good cooking skill! Haha….
So today’s recipe is golden sponge cupcake! Now let’s prepare the ingredients together!

Golden sponge cupcake
Ingredients: <For 12 cupcakes>
A. 55gr butter, 55gr cake flour, a hint of vanilla powder or vanilla extract
B. 68gr milk, 45gr eggs, 80 egg yolks
C. 168gr egg whites, 80gr caster sugar, a hint of white vinegar or lemon juice
<I add no vanilla extract in A, the milk in B is the rest vanilla milk I made a toast last time. Refers to the temperature, I baked for 20 minutes, but the color was light and the cupcake was half-baked, so I turned 338F and baked another 10 minutes, so I advise you all to judge the maturity of cakes according to the color and using a toothpick to test the cakes, and then adjust the time flexibly.>
Baking: 374F for 10 minutes and turn to 302F for 10 minutes
1.Weight the ingredients, sift the powder for 3 times
2.Add butter into ta pan, bring to light boil and then remove the heat
3.Add the cake flour and vanilla powder or vanilla extract, stir well
4.Take out another pan, add milk of B into it, and warm up to 140F and remove the heat
5.Add egg yolks and eggs of B in 140F milk, mix it until it’s fine and smooth
6.Pour the well mixed milk and egg liquid of B into the butter paste of A
7.Stir the mixture for reserving
8.Add a hint of white vinegar or lemon juice into egg whites of C, and whip it to a foam, add all the caster sugar into it
9.Beat the egg whites, until it’s wet
10.Take out 1/3 meringue, stir it with a knife until it’s well mixed, and then add the other 1/3
11.Pour back 2/3 of the mixed cake batter, stir well the rest 1/3
12.Put the cake batter into a dixie cup and fill 80% of the cup using a spoon, then put it into the middle level of the preheated oven
* Tips:
Add meringue into the egg yolk paste for 3 times, and at the last time remember to pour the previous two times’ egg yolk paste back into the meringue, so as to make sure the egg yolk paste that does not mix well at the bottom of the pot could be mixed well in the course of the stirring, and the finished cupcake should have holding power like Chiffon, not floating, which will be the basis to successfully baking the cupcakes.
So, how do you think my golden sponge cupcake? No matter what, my families are all satisfied with my goodwill. Ah… That does not mean my cupcake is not delicious, it’s so yummy, isn’t it? You can test by yourself only if you are in accord with my recipe.