Nobody likes a soggy waffle. A crispy outside and a fluffy inside are the keys to perfection when it comes to the realm of waffles. And with all the features of today’s waffle makers, no one should have to suffer a soggy waffle. Soggy waffles result from too much moisture, not enough heat, or not enough cooking time.
This shiny new appliance you’ve got in your kitchen is a new tool and you’re just chomping at the bit to try it out. You’ve played with the dials, clicked the buttons, and lifted and closed the lid a hundred times. You’ve even plugged it in to make sure it works. Have a little patience before you start to use it.
Begin by reading the user manual that came with your waffle maker. Get to know its capabilities and familiarize yourself with its features. The manual will also explain how the variables of time and temperature work together to produce a delicious, crispy waffle.
The manual will give you recommendations for time and temperature settings to produce waffles at your desired crispness and that’s a great place to start.
Generally speaking, they will give you settings for lightly crisp, medium crisp, and very crisp waffles. Higher heat produces crispier waffles as well as longer baking time. If you want lighter waffles, you’ll need to use lower heat and less cooking time. But bear in mind that they are both variables and you will need to determine how they work best together.Start by trying the manufacturer’s recommendations for time and temperature settings to see how they work for you. After a few tries, you may feel as though you want it a little more crisp than medium but not as crisp as the very crisp setting. Don’t get frustrated. Just try a different setting.
Begin by playing with the temperature. Raise it just a bit and try again at the same time setting. The higher the temperature, the more quickly moisture will evaporate from the batter. The more moisture that evaporates, the crispier the waffle will turn out.Your indicator light will tell you when the waffle maker is ready to bake. Don’t pour any batter on the grids until it’s ready. You want that good heat for good moisture evaporation.While your waffle maker is heating up, make your batter. When making your batter, you might also consider modifying the recipe. Try substituting buttermilk for at least a portion of the milk. Milk has more moisture than buttermilk, and it makes sense that if you put less moisture in, you’ll have less to evaporate out.
Once the waffle maker’s ready indicator light comes on to let you know the maker is ready, pour on the batter (preferably using a batter dispenser) and close the lid and let the steam fly. Keep the lid closed and let your waffle maker and its timer do their job.Resist the temptation to lift the lid to see how things are progressing. You’ll lose heat; some minor condensation can take place; you’ll mess up your waffle when you reclose the lid; and you may just make a monumental mess.Don’t lift the lid until the indicator light comes on or the beeper sounds. When it does, remove your waffle with a nonstick spatula or pair of tongs and serve.
Note the level of crispiness and the color. If you’re happy with it, make a note at what temperature you cooked it and for how long. You might also make a note about who in your family likes their waffles done this way. This will help you reproduce this same product time after time.If you still think you’d like to adjust the crispiness, once again, play with the heat or the time in little increments. And keep good notes every time you make a change as well as the results.
You might keep the heat setting the same and leave the waffle in to bake for an additional 30 seconds. Sneak up on the time in 30-second increments. And always take notes. You want to be able to remember what worked and what didn’t.
Remember, time and temperature work together in the cooking process. Experiment and have a little fun. Don’t get frustrated if you don’t get the result you want the first time. Even that will be a delicious waffle. So what if it’s not quite brown enough or if it’s just too crispy for your particular taste? It’s still a good waffle.
So you’ve got this shiny new appliance in your kitchen. I call these things new toys. Play with it. Accept the challenge this new tool presents you with. You’re the boss in your own kitchen. Get that waffle maker to give you what you want.
We all love it when our waffle has that crispy appearance and a fluffy inside. I also love the appearance of the waffle shown in the images shared.
LOL! It is a good looking waffle indeed.