It’s an awesome treat!
You can spice up your life at every moment if you are a little innovative. Those who are fond of delicacies most often love to cook and bake new dishes for everyone. To maintain the calorie count especially if you people in your family who are suffering from diabetes, celiac disease or is figure conscious and wants to stay slim and fit, always use fruits in your desserts and low fat cream, butter and milk. It is best to avoid the regular sugar and replace it with sugar substitute.
So are you planning to cook something new and exotic? Well, here is an amazing delicacy that you can try.
Chocolate Caramel Banana Tart
Ingredients you will require to make 8 tarts
Caramel filling:
1. 2 cups Sugar
2. 70gm corn syrup
3. ½-cup water
4. ½-cup unsalted butter
5. ¾ cup cream.
For the Chocolate Panache:
6. ¾ cup cream.
7. 31/2 oz dark chocolate
For the tart crust:
8. 4oz butter.
9. 70gm icing sugar.
10. 1 egg yolk.
11. ¾ teaspoon vanilla extract.
12. 180 gm. Cake flour.
13. 30gm. Cocoa powder.
14. ¼ cup cream.
15. 1 cup soybeans
How to prepare the Caramel filling:
• In a large saucepan pour water, corn syrup, and sugar and bring to boil on medium heat until the syrup turns golden brown.
• Turn off heat and add cream. Then whisk rapidly for 30 seconds. It is convenient to use large bowl as mixture expands fast.
• Add butter and fold together.
• Allow the mixture to cool at room temperature.
Preparing the Chocolate Panache:
• Take a saucepan and pour the cream and bring the cream to boil on medium heat.
• Pour into a mixing bowl.
• Add chocolate chunks and mix well until you have a smooth consistency and the color is even.
• Allow to cool but do not put into the refrigerator.
How to make the dough:
• Use an electric mixer. Put icing sugar and soft butter into the mixer and combine it at medium speed.
• Add egg yolk and vanilla extract.
• Sift in cocoa powder and flour and mix thoroughly.
• Add cream and combine until smooth.
• Cover the dough with cellophane and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
How to shape the tart crust:
• Take the dough out of the fridge and wait for 10 minutes.
• Roll it into 3-4mm thick flat plates or roll out as large as you can.
• Now cut circles with a large cutter.
• Place them into moulds and form tart crusts.
• Wrap gently with foil.
• Bake at 160°C for ten minut
• Place soybeans on top. es.
• Remove the foil and beans and rotate the crusts.
• Now bake for 10 minutes.
• Let them cool and then remove from mould.
The final assembly:
• Slice bananas to 2-3mm thickness.
• Fill the tart crusts halfway with caramel sauce, add layer of bananas, fill to top with chocolate panache.
• Now cool in the refrigerator for an hour.
Your special dessert is ready. You can serve it in a new style with lightly roasted banana slices. Arrange them around the tart and then serve with banana ice cream topping.